
[YOCORN] Octopus Balls / Tako Yaki Ball ( 1KG ) - HALAL

S$ 25.80
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Takoyaki (f: & )
is a Japanese
snack in the shape of little round balls containing pieces
of octopus. Tako-yaki literally translates to "octopus-
grilled/fried" and some people may call it "Octopus
Balls" or "Octopus Dumplings".
Takoyaki, or Octopus Balls is one of Japan's best-
known street food originated in Osaka. Whether you
make traditional style with bits of octopus or other
alternatives, these ball-shape dumplings are fun to
make with your friends and family!

Do not defrost the Takoyaki
Heat up the oil in a pot till 180 degree celcius (slightly smoky)
Deep fry the Takoyaki for 3-5 minutes
Toss with tonkatsu sauce, mayonnaise & bonito flake
Other Option:
Slightly defrost the Takoyaki
Heat up using microwave for 1-2 minutes
Toss with tonkatsu sauce, mayonnaise & bonito flake

Gross Weight:
Storage Instructions:
Shelf life:
TakoYaki Ball
50 pcs / box (estimated 20g / pc)
Item must be kept in the freezer.
Please do not soak or defrost in
the room temperature. Product
should be kept in the refrigerator
(chiller) for thawing; it can be
kept in the refrigerator for up to
2 days. However, it is highly
recommended to consume as
soon as it is thawed.
It is suggested to consume within
3 months after purchase.

We do deliver Monday- Saturday (excluding PH and Sunday.)
Time Slot: 10am-2pm, 3pm-7pm

If order is placed on Saturday, delivery will be on Monday.

Store Pick Up
Time :
9:00 - 17:00 Mon - Fri
9:00 - 12:00 Saturday

Address : 6 Chin Bee Ave Office #08-02, Warehouse #07-01 , Singapore (619930)
Tel: +65 6275 8963
Hp: +65 8298 4897

Terms and Condition:
1. Strictly redemption via mobile app.
2. Call 1 day in advance to reserve a date and estimated time of arrival.
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